Remote Copy (Publish Content)

Remote Copy involves two phases:

  1. Preparation - Select which forums you'd like to copy, click Prepare, and the server will compare the remote and local copies for those forums. This will take a about a minute, depending on the size of the files to copy. If there are no differences, Remote Copy will report that there is nothing to do and drop you in the files area.

  2. Copy - If the remote and local systems are different, you'll see a list of files that need to be updated, deleted, or are new. When you click copy, the copy will start, and proceed atomically, that is, either the whole copy proceeds, or not at all.


You can modify the /Settings/RemoteCopy.csv in the Files > Settings area of the site-admin realm. The CSV must contain the following columns (in any order):

  • Realm - name of remote and local forum to synchronize. Only one entry per realm is allowed.

  • Folders - List of folders (separated by semicolons ";") to compare between the remote and local systems for the specific realm. You must have at least one folder, which may be "/" to copy the whole forum. The Versions folder is never copied. /Mail and /Settings will be copied so "/" should only be copied in those realms which you know you actually want to copy those files.

  • User - The email or ID of the remote user to login as

  • Password - Password on remote system for User

  • URI - Fully qualified URI for remote system, e.g.

Any of these values may be defaulted (except Realm) by adding a row in the RemoteCopy.csv with Realm blank. The other values in this row are used for blank entries on the specific Realm rows.